Revolving Loan Fund for Affordable Housing
Revolving Loan Fund Purpose
HTF operates a $7.4 million Revolving Loan Fund in partnership with community lenders to provide below-market interest rate loans to qualified sponsors to initiate affordable rental or homeownership housing projects. The HTF Revolving Loan Fund operates countywide and supports housing projects on both urban infill and rural sites where at least 25% of the units serve low-to-moderate income households earning between 0-120% of Area Median Income (AMI).
Eligible borrowers include:
Private and non-profit developers
Faith-based groups
Public agencies
Non-profit agencies
Loan funds can be used for:
Site acquisition
Predevelopment costs
Project construction
Bridge financing
Tax-credit projects
Permanent financing
Revolving Loan Fund Benefits
The Revolving Loan Fund for Affordable Housing facilitates affordable housing projects that otherwise might not be initiated.
Projects also benefit from savings by lowering the cost of interim and construction financing.
Additional benefits of the Revolving Loan Fund include:
Funds That Revolve: HTF accesses capital that is not available to individual housing sponsors. The fund provides needed seed capital that recycles to financially assist more projects.
Technical Assistance: HTF can help community groups who wish to sponsor affordable housing by providing them technical assistance to evaluate their potential project.
Serving Multiple Needs: The Fund assists multiple housing sponsors that serve diverse community needs in both urban and rural areas of Santa Barbara County.
Interested in Applying?
You can download a copy of the Revolving Loan Fund Program Guidelines.
Contact HTF staff at 805-770-5261 or email j.mcgovern@sbhousingtrust.org to discuss the eligibility of your project and the current availability of funds and obtain a preliminary loan application.
Did you know that HTF also provides workforce home buyer assistance?

Jennifer McGovern
President and CEO
(805) 770-5261
Yvette Lounsbury
Homebuyer Loan Administrator
(805) 845-3585
© 2025 Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County
Housing Trust Fund
of Santa Barbara County
P. O. Box 60909
Santa Barbara, CA 93160-0909
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