The Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County (HTF) is a non-profit financing initiative whose mission is to expand affordable housing opportunities for low-to-middle income residents and workers of Santa Barbara County, California. Our geographical service area includes the entire County of Santa Barbara, California, including the urban cities and unincorporated rural areas. HTF helps maintain the socio-economic fabric of Santa Barbara County by addressing the fundamental building block of healthy communities – housing that is affordable to local workers and residents.

HTF was created by countywide community leaders to address our region’s critical affordable housing needs by building innovative partnerships between the private, public and nonprofit sectors. We raise capital, design innovative housing solutions and provide technical assistance and low-cost loans to community sponsors of affordable housing. We enhance the work of nonprofit, public and private affordable housing sponsors in our diverse communities. HTF has been certified by the U.S. Treasury CDFI Fund as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). HTF is also a HUD approved Non-Profit Secondary Loan Provider.
Since we began our operations in 2004, we have raised $13 million in private and public capital to support our Revolving Loan Fund for affordable housing production and a countrywide Workforce Homebuyer Program. We have committed $9,762,671 in direct financing to create 421 units of permanently affordable housing for our most vulnerable populations. In 2012, we launched a new Workforce Homebuyer Program in North County and initially assisted 28 low-income first-time homebuyers by providing $866,209 in 30-year deferred down payment loans. We then designed and managed the City of Carpinteria and City of Lompoc's homebuyer assistance programs and helped additional low to upper moderate-income households purchase homes. In 2018 we secured $3.5 million in capital commitments and expanded our successful Workforce Homebuyer Program to the South Coast. In 2022 we relaunched our North County program with funding from the State CalHome Program. To date, we have helped 97 first-time homebuyers purchase their first home. We have provided 34 community groups and sponsors with technical assistance for their affordable housing projects.
HTF finances affordable rental and homeownership housing for low-to-moderate income working families, single parents, farm workers, senior citizens, homeless persons, and other persons with special needs throughout Santa Barbara’s diverse communities.
Community Need
In Q2, 2022, Santa Barbara County was the fifth least affordable small metropolitan housing market in the nation, according to the National Association of Builders. Our high housing costs have created a severe shortage of affordable housing and a huge ‘affordability gap’ between the cost of housing and what people can afford.

Jennifer McGovern
President and CEO
(805) 770-5261
Yvette Lounsbury
Homebuyer Loan Administrator
(805) 845-3585
© 2025 Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County
Housing Trust Fund
of Santa Barbara County
P. O. Box 60909
Santa Barbara, CA 93160-0909
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