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HTF provides home buyer down payment loans in Carpinteria

Home in City of Carpinteria

The Housing Trust Fund is managing a pilot Workforce Homebuyer Down Payment Loan Program for the City of Carpinteria. The program helps bridge the homeownership affordability gap by providing 30-year deferred payment loans up to 16.5% of the home purchase price, or a maximum loan of $75,000, to assist eligible households earning up to 200% of Area Median Income, or $146,600 for a family of four, in purchasing a home within the City of Carpinteria. The loans have no current interest or principal payments and are repaid, with shared appreciation, upon sale or refinancing of the home or at the end of the loan term. Funding provided by the City of Carpinteria is currently available for 8 to 10 loans.

Our Workforce Homebuyer Program removes financial barriers to the dream of homeownership by lowering home acquisition and carrying costs. Our program enables eligible families to qualify for conventional financing, thus avoiding expensive FHA mortgage insurance, and purchase a home that strengthens the family, the neighborhood and the community.

South Coast Workforce Homebuyer Program

HTF plans to expand its Workforce Homebuyer Program to the entire South County region in 2014. The South Coast program will provide low-cost simple interest loans up to $100,000 to assist workforce households in purchasing an entry-level home or condominium. HTF is currently engaged in raising an initial $2.5 million in capital and $150,000 in operating support to launch the program next year.


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Jennifer McGovern
President and CEO
(805) 685-1949


Yvette Lounsbury
Homebuyer Loan Administrator
(805) 845-3585

© 2021 Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County


Housing Trust Fund
of Santa Barbara County
P. O. Box 60909
Santa Barbara, CA 93160-0909

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